Monday, September 24, 2012

My Political Ideology

I am not into politics heavily. But I do know some of the important things that happens in our government. I have recently taken the current events quiz and scored 11 out of 11. I am taking this class to get a better concept on politics. I also need this class to accomplish my goal in becoming a well known journalist. I know this class will be difficult, but I am willing to work hard to pass this course. I am a fast learner and I will ask for the help if I need it. I like to ask questions to make sure that I am comfortable with the assignment. I do not have much on political views. I was not into politics as much as I am now. I will be voting for the first time this year. I have followed some of the presidential campaign. I will be voting for President Obama. I am not voting for him because the color of his skin. I'm not voting because of welfare. I am voting for him because he has a plan. A plan that will start this country over fresh. Making our country better for us all. He is fighting for the ones who have fought for so long. The gays and lesbians have fought for their right to love just like all of the straight men and women. He is fighting to bring home our troops that have been fighting a war that should have been ended alot sooner then now. He is fighting for the equal rights that the government had promised us for so long. I love my country no matter how things change or the tragedies that have effected our nation. We have become one as it should have been when our four fathers founded our nation. I am ready and willing to open my mind to new experiences and I can not wait to proceed. I am looking forward to my political views to be heightened with the progress of this class.